AB 1086 vetoed- Fight to Save Tesla Continues!
We are sorry to report that Governor Newsom vetoed AB 1086 (Bauer-Kahan) – Alameda Tesla Expansion Area. Here is the link to the Governor’s press release and veto message. https://www.gov.ca.gov/2019/10/11/governor-newsom-issues-legislative-update-10-11-19/.
From the message, we have more work to raise awareness of decision makers that the OHMVR Division Plan supported by State Parks leadership to open Tesla to damaging OHV recreation undercuts the very preservation objectives of Parks, the Natural Resources Agency and Administration. OHV recreation can be located elsewhere where its damaging impacts don’t matter. Tesla’s exceptional and irreplaceable natural and cultural resources cannot be moved.
This is a disappointment for sure, but the we remain committed to permanently preserve Tesla with no OHV recreation use. We thank our state representatives and are pleased that Assembly Member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan and Senator Glazer with the local community will keep fighting with us for Tesla and the conservation values that make our East Bay community so great.
We also continue to fight the plan to convert Tesla’s sensitive landscape to destructive OHV use in the courts. Please help us with legal expenses. Donations may be made on here via Paypal.
Thank you for all you do for Tesla. Our collective commitment to the natural legacy that we leave for future generations drives us forward to Save Tesla Park.