Tesla’s Vital Regional Ecological Values cannot be replaced Biological Assessment finds

Tesla’s Vital Regional Ecological Values cannot be replaced Biological Assessment finds

The comprehensive report, Reserve Classification of  California State Parks Alameda-Tesla Property, Alameda County, California based on an Assessment of Biological Resources and the Effects of Recreational Activities on those Resources – updated August 1, 2024, documents why Tesla is not like any other place and cannot just be replaced or substituted with other land. Key Findings These reasons and more…

Tesla has one of the highest levels of biodiversity in the State according to Biological Assessment

Tesla has one of the highest levels of biodiversity in the State according to Biological Assessment

The comprehensive report, Reserve Classification of California State Parks Alameda-Tesla Property, Alameda County, California based on an Assessment of Biological Resources and the Effects of Recreational Activities on those Resources, documents the regional and statewide significance of Tesla and its role in meeting priority conservation objectives. A key finding: The report confirms that given Tesla’s irreplaceable biodiversity and regional ecological…

Biological Assessment confirms Tesla is irreplaceable for its Biodiversity and Regional Ecological Values

Biological Assessment confirms Tesla is irreplaceable for its Biodiversity and Regional Ecological Values

Friends of Tesla Park just released the most complete compilation of currently available data and information on the biological resources and ecological values of Tesla. Titled Reserve Classification of  California State Parks Alameda-Tesla Property, Alameda County, California based on an Assessment of Biological Resources and the Effects of Recreational Activities on those Resources, the report was prepared to inform the…

Did you know Tesla was part of a CNPS Botanical Priority Protection Area?

The East Bay Chapter of the California Native Plant Society’s Corral Hollow Botanical Priority Protection Area overlays most of Tesla, highlighting Tesla’s botanical biodiversity. Thus far, 45 special status (rare) plants have been found on Tesla, with 74 more that are on the locally rare watchlist. One more reason why Tesla should be classified as a Reserve. Email the California…

Summer in Tesla

Summer in Tesla

Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall – Tesla is special. Email the California State Park and Recreation Commission [email protected] calling in them to classify Tesla as a State Reserve so that this land can be protected forever.

A Critical Linkage Wildlife Corridor runs through it

A Critical Linkage Wildlife Corridor runs through it

Among Tesla’s many vital biological functions is that a Critical Linkage Habitat Corridor runs through it, with Tesla as the narrow chokepoint. Preventing fragmentation and damage to habitats and movement corridors for plants and wildlife is essential to preserve biodiversity. Protecting Tesla from higher intensity uses and associated facilities development is essential to preserving this critical habitat corridor which supports…