JOIN the work to SAVE Tesla Park

Friends of Tesla Park is an alliance of individuals and organizations working together to protect and preserve the Tesla Park land. We will keep you informed about developments and notify you when we need your help to write letters, attend meetings, or take other action.

Donate Today

You can help SAVE Tesla Park with your donation.  Friends of Tesla Park works in collaboration with the Livermore Heritage Guild to raise funds to protect Tesla Park.


Send us your contact information to be added to our Friends of Tesla Park contact list.  We will let you know when you can help out by sending an email to decision-makers, attending a meeting or taking some other action.

Get current updates 

Check our News page for current information and calls to action. Sign up to get alerts of new posts.

Add your organization 

If you are in a group or organization, add them to the list of supporters. Groups can send letters of support and have representatives attend hearings. 

Email us at [email protected] to add your group or organization.