Help Protect Tesla and Reform the Off-Highway Vehicle Program
Tell your Legislator to Support SB 249!
Our work to preserve Tesla Park from the expansion of damaging off-road vehicle use at Carnegie SVRA proves how critical it is to reform the State Parks off-highway vehicle program. SB 249 will provide greater environmental protection under the State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) program.
Click here for more information on SB 249.
Email or call your Legislator now to support SB 249
The OHV lobby is aggressively contacting legislators. Your legislator needs to hear from you to support SB 249.
Sample email text:
Dear Senator:
Please support SB 249, which is an important environmental protection bill.
We have direct experience with the extreme environmental damage at Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area and the destructive plan to expand Carnegie and open the pristine Tesla wildland to recreational OHV use. The loss of irreplaceable natural landscapes like these demonstrates the need for SB 249.
We need your support to help permanently protect Tesla, and help pass SB 249. Significant reform of the State Parks OHMVR program is needed to ensure improved natural and cultural resource protection; provide needed program oversight, accountability and consistency; and correct the misallocation of fuel tax transfers. SB 249 addresses these serious problems focusing the program on resource protection, restoration and enforcement in existing OHV riding areas. SB 249 also properly directs some fuel tax transfers to non-motorized recreation programs, such as park access for underserved populations.
I urge you to support SB 249.
[name, address, date]
Who to Contact
Please contact your State Senator and urge them to support SB 249.
Area Senators to contact:
- Senator Nancy Skinner, District 9
- Senator Steve Glazer, District 7
- Senator Bob Wieckowski, District 10
- Senator Bill Monning, District 17
- Senator Jim Beall, District 15
- Senator Scott Wiener, District 11
- Senator Jerry Hill, District 13
- Senator Mike McGuire, District 2
- Cathleen Galgiani, District 5
If you don’t know who your state senate or assembly member is, look it up here:
Please share this important message!