Tesla Park Should Be Open To Hikers
Preserving Tesla Park increases access to nature for all, while protecting nature. Win-Win. https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/Tesla-Park-should-be-open-to-Bay-Area-walkers-15390112.php
Preserving Tesla Park increases access to nature for all, while protecting nature. Win-Win. https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/Tesla-Park-should-be-open-to-Bay-Area-walkers-15390112.php
Preserve Tesla Park’s rare, extraordinary biodiversity, not destroy it with damaging OHV recreation. https://bit.ly/2JN2P8s
Tesla Park has 42 special status wildlife species, 7 sensitive vegetation communities, 20 locally rare plants & 8 Threatened/ Endangered/Candidate species/habitats. Preserve Tesla, don’t destroy it with damaging OHV use. https://bit.ly/35I6ayr
Governor Newsom, Implement your 30×30 Biodiversity Executive Order – permanently protect Tesla Park as a nature and cultural preserve.
Governor Newsom – Follow the science. Study after study document the extraordinary natural resources in Tesla Park and the damaging impacts of OHV recreation. Tesla is not the place for off-roading.
Sign the Petition and tweet to Governor Newsom to preserve Tesla Park. https://addup.sierraclub.org/campaigns/tell-governor-newsom-to-save-tesla-park-from-off-road-vehicles–preserve-it-for-future-generations/take-action