Follow The Science

Follow The Science

Follow the Science – the area where Tesla Park is located is a biological hotspot crucial to protecting biodiversity in a time of accelerated climate change.

Letter to Governor Newsom

Letter to Governor Newsom

Gavin Newsom, Secretary Crowfoot – Native American leader to Governor Newsom: “There is near universal support for Tesla preservation. Only the relatively small group of OHV users and manufacturers oppose Tesla’s permanent protection. (See open letter at

Tule Elk & Golden Eagle Habitat

Tule Elk & Golden Eagle Habitat

Tule Elk and Golden Eagles range and forage on Tesla Park, but NOT on Carnegie SVRA. State Parks cannot destroy their habitat by opening Tesla to damaging OHV recreation. 

Governor’s Biodiversity Executive Order

Governor’s Biodiversity Executive Order

Make the Governor’s Biodiversity Executive Order ( real. Permanently preserve Tesla Park with no destructive OHV use. 

Sierra Club California

Sierra Club California

Sierra Club California calls out State Parks abandonment of preservation mission for failure to permanently protect Tesla Park and 2 other important resource areas. Read more –

Critical Linkage Habitat Corridor

Critical Linkage Habitat Corridor

CNRA states protecting wildlife corridors is a priority. Tesla Park is at the choke point of the Critical Linkage Habitat Corridor through the northern Diablo Range. Make words matter.