Critical Linkage Habitat Corridor
CNRA states protecting wildlife corridors is a priority. Tesla Park is at the choke point of the Critical Linkage Habitat Corridor through the northern Diablo Range. Make words matter.
CNRA states protecting wildlife corridors is a priority. Tesla Park is at the choke point of the Critical Linkage Habitat Corridor through the northern Diablo Range. Make words matter.
Governor Newsom, Secretary Crowfoot – preserve Tesla Park and advance your goals to protect biodiversity, provide climate change resiliency and increase access to nature.
Governor Newsom, Secretary Crowfoot – given another failed Carnegie SVRA EIR/general plan, change the ill-conceived policy – permanently protect Tesla as a nature/cultural preserve and non-motorized park.
To fight climate change – stop promoting and subsidizing air polluting, GHG emitting OHV/motorized recreation.
Court invalidates illegal Carnegie SVRA EIR. OHMVR must mitigate with land that is permanently preserved. Protect Tesla Park now. (See court ruling –
Governor Newsom, Secretary Crowfoot – Follow Science and the Law. Permanently preserve Tesla Park now. (See UC Professors statement at