Critical Linkage Habitat Corridor

Critical Linkage Habitat Corridor

CNRA states protecting wildlife corridors is a priority. Tesla Park is at the choke point of the Critical Linkage Habitat Corridor through the northern Diablo Range. Make words matter.

30 by 2030 Goal

30 by 2030 Goal

Governor Newsom, Secretary Crowfoot – preserve Tesla Park and advance your goals to protect biodiversity, provide climate change resiliency and increase access to nature.

Redesignate For Conservation Now

Redesignate For Conservation Now

Governor Newsom, Secretary Crowfoot – given another failed Carnegie SVRA EIR/general plan, change the ill-conceived policy – permanently protect Tesla as a nature/cultural preserve and non-motorized park.

Fight Climate Change

Fight Climate Change

To fight climate change – stop promoting and subsidizing air polluting, GHG emitting OHV/motorized recreation.

Court Invalidates EIR

Court Invalidates EIR

Court invalidates illegal Carnegie SVRA EIR.  OHMVR must mitigate with land that is permanently preserved. Protect Tesla Park now.  (See court ruling –

UC Professors Statement

UC Professors Statement

Governor Newsom, Secretary Crowfoot – Follow Science and the Law.  Permanently preserve Tesla Park now. (See UC Professors statement at