Powerful Call to the Governor

Powerful Call to the Governor

Tesla cannot be desecrated with off road vehicles as Native American leader Katherine Perez states in powerful call to Governor. http://bit.ly/34uhf4L

Native American Features

Native American Features

Hear the Native American leader’s call to Governor Newsom to preserve Tesla Park. Link to Op Ed http://bit.ly/34uhf4L

Follow The Science

Follow The Science

Governor Newsom, CNRA, Wade Crowfoot – Follow the Science. Redesignate Tesla Park land as a nature and cultural preserve. See UC Professors warning. https://baynature.org/2020/12/08/op-ed-save-tesla-park-from-a-stewardship-catastrophe/

Redesignate Tesla

Redesignate Tesla

Governor Newsom, CNRA, Wade Crowfoot – Listen to UC scientific experts – redesignate Tesla as a nature & cultural preserve. See UC Professors warning https://baynature.org/2020/12/08/op-ed-save-tesla-park-from-a-stewardship-catastrophe/

Implement Biodiversity Executive Order

Implement Biodiversity Executive Order

Gavin Newsom – Take first step to implement your Biodiversity Executive Order – permanently protect Tesla Park as a nature and cultural preserve.

Bay Nature Op Ed

Bay Nature Op Ed

UC Professors call on Governor to permanently preserve Tesla Park to prevent stewardship catastrophe. See Bay Nature –