Reason 6 To Classify Tesla As A Reserve
Why must Tesla be Classified as a Reserve? #6 to fully protect the Botanical Priority Protection Area designated by the CNPS East Bay Chapter that overlays all of Tesla.
Why must Tesla be Classified as a Reserve? #6 to fully protect the Botanical Priority Protection Area designated by the CNPS East Bay Chapter that overlays all of Tesla.
Why must Tesla Park be Classified by State Parks as a Reserve? #5 – To fully protect a Critical Linkage Wildlife Corridor that runs through Tesla.
Why must Tesla Park be Classified by State Parks as a Reserve? To fully protect irreplaceable historic resources, including historic town and mine site of Tesla.
Why must Tesla Park be Classified by State Parks as a Reserve? To fully protect threatened/endangered species and designated critical habitat such as California red-legged frog, Alameda whip snake, California tiger salamander and Foothill yellow legged frog.
Why must Tesla Park be Classified by State Parks as a Reserve? To fully protect irreplaceable Native American sacred and archeological sites.
Why must Tesla Park be Classified by State Parks as a Reserve? #1 – to fully protect over 42 special status wildlife species, 7 sensitive vegetation communities and 20 locally rare plants.