State Parks Changes Tesla Planning Process

State Parks has announced that they had changed the planning process for Tesla, to delay the classification decision and combine it with the General Plan and EIR process. Under the new schedule, another round of public workshops, meetings and letter writing will occur through summer of 2025 with a decision about the General Plan in 2027.

Our view is that State Parks staff do not want a Reserve classification, and because of the overwhelming support for Tesla as a Reserve which you all provided, they changed the process to try to get their preferred outcome.  But, just as we did at the legislative phase, we will continue to advocate for the best option for permanent durable Tesla preservation.

We will continue with our strong advocacy for Tesla to be classified as a Reserve and for the General Plan to be built around that Reserve classification. In future workshops, meetings, letters and emails, we will press for the TESLA RESERVE CONCEPT PLAN to be selected.  

Watch for information about future workshops, meetings and other important deadlines.

Preserving Tesla reflects the extraordinary commitment of all of you. Thank you for your continued support for Tesla.