Hundreds of individuals, community organizations, public officials, and local public agencies came together to work to ensure that the Tesla park land could not be opened for motorized recreation.
Today, the Friends of Tesla Park alliance continues to work to establish the Tesla park land as a nature and cultural Reserve.
Save Mount Diablo’s Work to permanently preserve Tesla

A partial list of supporters working to preserve Tesla:
- Alameda Creek Alliance
- California Audubon
- California Oaks
- California Wildlife Foundation
- California Native Grasslands Association
- California Native Plant Society
- East Bay Chapter, California Native Plant Society
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge–CCCR
- Defenders of Wildlife
- East Alameda County Ranchers
- Friends of Livermore
- Friends of Open Space and Vineyards
- Friends of Springtown Preserve
- Friends of Tesla Park
- Greenbelt Alliance
- Golden Gate Bird Alliance
- Livermore Heritage Guild
- Livermore Hill Hikers
- Mount Diablo Bird Alliance
- Northern Valley Yokuts/Ohlone Inc.
- Nototomne Cultural Preservation
- Ohlone Audubon Society
- Regional Parks Association
- San Joaquin Audubon Society
- Save the Frogs!
- Save Mount Diablo
- Sierra Club with SF Bay Chapter/Tri-Valley Group & Delta/Sierra Group
- Sustainability, Parks, Recycling and Wildlife Legal Defense Fund-SPRAWLDEF
- Tesla Road Residents’ Alliance
- Tri-Valley Conservancy
- Trust for Public Land
Email us to add your organization to those supporting Tesla preservation.