Don’t Destroy Their Habitat

Don’t Destroy Their Habitat

Tule Elk and Golden Eagles range and forage on Tesla Park, but NOT on Carnegie SVRA. Governor Newsom, Secretary Crowfoot, don’t destroy their habitat by opening Tesla to damaging OHV recreation. 

Save Tesla Park

Save Tesla Park

Governor Newsom, Secretary Crowfoot -Tesla Park is a biodiverse wildlife corridor in the northern Diablo Range. It’s not the right place for damaging off-roading. Make Tesla Park a non-motorized preserve.

Follow Science

Follow Science

Governor Newsom, Wade Crowfoot – Follow Science.  Permanently preserve Tesla Park now. (See UC Professors statement at



Governor Newsom, Secretary Crowfoot – Make your actions match your words. Permanently protect Tesla Park as a nature and cultural preserve.

Advance 30×30 Goal

Advance 30×30 Goal

Governor Newsom and Secretary Crowfoot, are you going to preserve Tesla Park to advance your 30×30 goal & fight climate change or destroy Tesla’s biodiversity while increasing GHG emissions with more motorized recreation?

Implement 30×30

Implement 30×30

Governor Newsom, will you implement your 30×30 Biodiversity EO, fight climate change & permanently protect Tesla Park or do what the OHV/auto manufacturers’ lobby wants?