Support From Community Groups

Support From Community Groups

There is overwhelming support for preserving Tesla Park from local community groups in the East Bay and beyond.

Educational Site

Educational Site

Tesla Park should be protected as an educational site for school children and university researchers. That is Tesla’s best use.

Cultural Landscape

Cultural Landscape

Tesla Park has important cultural sites including Native American features and the historic townsite of Tesla. OHV recreation destroys the integrity of this cultural landscape.

Biodiversity Hotspot

Biodiversity Hotspot

A recent study by UC Berkeley documented – again – that the area where Tesla is located is a biological hotspot important to protecting biodiversity in a time of climate change.

Best Management Practices

Best Management Practices

Contra Costa Water District, CalTrans, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and more public agencies have to provide set-aside mitigation for project impacts. But Carnegie SVRA relies on ‘best management practices’ for mitigation.