Gas Tax Transfers

Gas Tax Transfers

State Parks OHMRV Division and Carnegie SVRA is not primarily funded by OHV users. Its main funding is from State gas tax transfers, most of which have nothing to do with OHV recreation. All Californians driving to a nature park or an SUV subsidize the OHV program.

Top Conservation Priority

Top Conservation Priority

The northern Diablo Range where Tesla is located is a very top conservation priority for the entire state according to a 2018 UC Berkeley study. It’s not the right place for damaging off-road recreation. #saveteslapark

UN Study on Biodiversity

UN Study on Biodiversity

The UN’s report of dramatic decline in species is more reason why our State Parks cannot allow Tesla’s extraordinary biodiversity to be destroyed by damaging OHV recreation.  #savetslapark

Valley Fever

Valley Fever

Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis) is endemic in the Corral Hollow area where Tesla’s located. UCB Professor, John Taylor’s 2016 warning of increased health risks of this extremely serious fungal disease from dust-generating OHV recreation was dismissed by State Parks.

Red Flag Days

Red Flag Days

In 2019 an OHV rider in Carnegie SVRA started a wildfire.  A Red Flag Fire Warning has been issued since Monday, yet Carnegie SVRA remains open. With dangerous air quality and fire conditions, why is Carnegie SVRA open to OHV riders?

Spare the Air Days

Spare the Air Days

Carnegie SVRA has been open from September 1 through today (September 7), which were all Spare the Air Days. With increased health risks from poor air quality, let alone GHG emissions, how can State Parks allow a non-essential air polluting activity and expand it into Tesla Park?