SB 1316 passes the Senate

SB 1316 passes the Senate

SB 1316 – Alameda-Tesla Expansion Area (Glazer, et al) passed the Senate yesterday.  Thank you for all of your help with letters and attending hearings and so much more!  You can review the bill’s detailed progress through the Senate at this link .   Next SB 1316 will go to the Assembly where we expect the opposition to build.  …

Support SB 1316 – Alameda-Tesla Expansion Area

Support SB 1316 – Alameda-Tesla Expansion Area

SB 1316 (Glazer) will change state law to allow the State Parks Department to dispose of the 3,100 acre Alameda-Tesla Expansion Area (also known locally as “Tesla Park”) in order to permanently preserve the land if it is determined by the Department to be in the public interest. Proceeds from any such sale would be returned to the OHMVR Division….

Corral Hollow Creek Canyon

More Legislators Support Tesla Preservation Proposal

More Bay Area Legislators have joined the call encouraging State Parks to act on the Alameda County Altamont Landfill Open Space Committee buy-back opportunity to purchase Tesla Park in a July 20, 2017 letter.  We strongly support this proposal as a way to permanently preserve Tesla Park.    Please help build more legislative support for this sale/purchase proposal. Get your Legislator to sign on…

Friends drops support for SB 249

Based on recent amendments to SB 249 in the Assembly, Friends of Tesla Park determined that on balance we could not longer support of the bill. Our work to Save Tesla Park continues undeterred through our litigation challenging the the EIR and General Plan and continued advocacy with policy makers, including through the purchase opportunity presented by the Altamont Landfill…

SB 249 Passes Assembly Committee

SB 249 Passes Assembly Committee

SB 249 (Allen) which will extend the OHMVR program and reform some governance and resource conservation elements of the program passed the Senate in early June and its first Assembly hurdle at the Assembly Water Parks and Wildlife Committee on July 11, 2017. SB 249, which has been amended several times, still faces fierce opposition from the OHV lobby which…

State studies document OHV getting excess fuel taxes

State studies document OHV getting excess fuel taxes

As documented by the State’s own fuel tax studies, the OHMVR program and OHV expansion is supported by excessive fuel tax transfers that have nothing to do with OHV recreation. The State conducted a study of fuel taxes transferred to the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Division in 2007 and 2006 and again in a just released updated study. 2006 State…