State studies document OHV getting excess fuel taxes

State studies document OHV getting excess fuel taxes

As documented by the State’s own fuel tax studies, the OHMVR program and OHV expansion is supported by excessive fuel tax transfers that have nothing to do with OHV recreation. The State conducted a study of fuel taxes transferred to the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Division in 2007 and 2006 and again in a just released updated study. 2006 State…

Senator Glazer and Assembly Member Baker support Tesla Preservation Proposal

Senator Glazer and Assembly Member Baker support Tesla Preservation Proposal

Senator Glazer and Assembly Member Baker recently wrote to the State Parks Director encouraging State Parks to act on the Altamont Landfill Open Space Committee buy-back opportunity to purchase Tesla Park.  We strongly support this proposal as a way to permanently preserve Tesla Park.  Please contact these local Legislators to thank them for taking this important step, and to continue to work to protect Tesla…

Illegal Hill climb at Carnegie SVRA

Scientist Consensus Statement on Tesla Preservation

At a time when science and facts are disregarded, it is disturbing to see our own California state government, and specifically the State Parks Off Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division be purveyors of “alternative facts.”  The OHMVR Division concluded that there would be no significant impacts from opening Tesla to OHV recreation use (except for air quality). Really? Read the Scientist Consensus Statement on the Ecological…

Tesla Park First Proposed in 1956!

Tesla Park First Proposed in 1956!

We aren’t the first in the East Bay to recognize that Tesla Park should be preserved as a legacy.  In 1956 open space and park planners identified the “Tesla Geological and Historical Park”.  Now its time for us complete the work started over 60 years ago and Save Tesla Park!    


Help Protect Tesla and Reform the Off-Highway Vehicle Program

Tell your Legislator to Support SB 249! Our work to preserve Tesla Park from the expansion of damaging off-road vehicle use at Carnegie SVRA proves how critical it is to reform the State Parks off-highway vehicle program. SB 249 will provide greater environmental protection under the State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) program. Click here for more information on…

Support SB 249 at Senate Transportation and Housing Committee Hearing

Support SB 249, the important environmental protection legislation which reforms the State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) program.  We have direct experience through Tesla with the extreme environmental damage at Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area and the destructive plan to expand Carnegie and open the pristine Tesla wildland to recreational OHV use. The loss of irreplaceable natural landscapes like these demonstrates why the…