Reason 16 To Classify Tesla As A Reserve

Reason 16 To Classify Tesla As A Reserve

Why must Tesla park be Classified as a Reserve? #16 – Tesla has over 1,000 acres of Blue oak woodlands, identified by the State as a conservation priority.

Reason 15 To Classify Tesla as a Reserve

Reason 15 To Classify Tesla as a Reserve

Why must Tesla park be Classified as a Reserve? #15 – Tesla has highest ranking of terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity measures (native species; rare species’ irreplaceability) in State Dept. of Fish & Wildlife ACE (Areas of Conservation Emphasis) project.

Reason 14 To Classify Tesla As A Reserve

Reason 14 To Classify Tesla As A Reserve

Why must Tesla park be Classified as a Reserve? #14 – To continue decades of research by university scientists, including from the UC Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and Jepson Herbarium.

Reason 12 To Classify Tesla As A Reserve

Reason 12 To Classify Tesla As A Reserve

Why must Tesla park be Classified as a Reserve? #12- To fully protect the Audubon Important Bird Area with Golden eagle foraging and nesting sites.

Reason 11 To Classify Tesla As A Reserve

Reason 11 To Classify Tesla As A Reserve

To provide access for all for education and enjoyment of a natural wildland and cultural resource ‘classroom’, including urban communities and youth.