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Why Tesla should be classified by the State as a Reserve? See our new web site at!
Why Tesla should be classified by the State as a Reserve? See our new web site at!
Why must Tesla park be Classified as a Reserve? #21 – Because it is a prime example of natural, cultural and scenic resources of statewide significance.
Why must Tesla park be Classified as a Reserve? #20 – To provide educational opportunities for K-12, underserved populations and university level research in addition to enjoyment of Tesla’s natural and cultural riches for all.
Why must Tesla park be Classified as a Reserve? #19 – To respect, honor and protect all of the Tesla wildlands which hold archeological and sacred sites of Indigenous groups from the East Bay and San Joaquin Valley.
Why must Tesla park be Classified as a Reserve? #18- Tesla has 5 bat species that roost on the site, including Townsend’s big-eared bat, a species of special concern.
Why must Tesla park be Classified as a Reserve? 32 of the special-status animal species at Tesla are ‘Species of Greatest Conservation Need’ in the State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP).