Tesla’s extraordinary natural and cultural resources can be preserved forever with a “Reserve” classification
Tesla has one of the highest levels of biodiversity in the entire State of California, and the Corral Hollow area where Tesla is located, has been known for its biodiversity for nearly a century. Tesla is situated in a convergence zone between the hotter San Joaquin Plain and cooler Pacific Coast, which supports its unusual and rare assemblage of plants and animals. It’s intact ecosystem serves essential regional functions, including as a critical linkage wildlife and habitat corridor along the Diablo Range.
In addition to its rare natural resources, Tesla is vital for its connection to Indigenous Tribes, from the Northern Valley Yokuts in the Central Valley to the Ohlone in the East Bay Area, and other tribes in the region. The Tribal Cultural Landscape of the Indigenous People who depended on this land, including its entire natural landscape and important archeological features and sacred sites, covers all of Tesla’s 3,100 acres.
In the words of Katherine Perez, a tribal leader for the Northern Valley Yokuts, Ohlone, and Bay Mewuk and President of Nototomne Cultural Preservation, who has long advocated for Tesla preservation:
“The vistas, native plants, wildlife and solitude of the surrounding land are central to the power of Tesla’s Native American cultural sites. Because the natural and cultural resources extend throughout the 3,100 acres of the parkland and because the natural resource landscape is an integral part of the cultural landscape, Classifying the Tesla parkland as a Reserve is the only way to ensure its cultural resources and natural resources are properly protected in perpetuity.”
Katherine Perez, President, Nototomne Cultural Preservation; Northern Valley Yokuts, Ohlone and Bay Mewuk Tribal Chair
Hismet Warep Horsetka, which means “Sacred Earth in Harmony” in the Chochenyo language of the East Bay Ohlone people, describes what Tesla means to Native American representatives.
Reserve classification preserves forever Tesla’s extraordinary natural and cultural resources which cover the entire 3,100 acre site and provides the opportunity for restorative justice and equity for Native Americans.
Our vision is for Tesla to be classified as a Reserve named “Hismet Warep” so that it can remain “Sacred Earth” in harmony forever.
Tesla ~ Hišmet Waŕep ~ Sacred Earth

Access for all are perfect words for our vision of Tesla as a Reserve
Tesla can offer varied experiences that will support Native Americans and appeal to hikers, walkers, birders, nature lovers, biologists, history buffs, children, researchers and people of all walks of life.

People are allowed and encouraged to visit reserves. There is public access for day-use within reserves with the focus on preservation, enjoyment and education.
A Tesla Reserve can include hiking, wildlife viewing, birdwatching, nature appreciation, self-guided interpretive trails, guided tours, trail signs and educational exhibits and picnicking. A Tesla Reserve can support education and research for K-12 schools, college students and scientists. A Tesla Reserve can also serve the California Native American community for traditional and ceremonial purposes under a co-management model.
To fully protect sensitive resources in a reserve, development of facilities, resource manipulation and high-intensity/intrusive recreation activities are not allowed. However, State Parks has other adjacent park property that is already impacted, including Carnegie SVRA, where more impactful facilities and high-intensity recreation activities, such as campgrounds and biking, can be located, thereby fully protecting Tesla as a Reserve. Additionally, there are over 25 other local, regional and state parks in the region which provide active high-intensity recreation opportunities and developed facilities.
Tesla will be the only Reserve in the region, a unique experience for all
A Tesla Reserve would be the only Reserve in the State Parks Diablo Range District, providing access for all to a biologically and culturally rich native landscape that is emblematic of this region of California. A Tesla Reserve can:
- Provide the highest level of protection for rare and important natural and cultural resources.
- Offer hiking, interpretive trails and tours, scenic routes, wildlife viewing, photography, K-12 education and university research.
- Embrace the values of Indigenous cultures’ connection to the land and principles of environmental stewardship to preserve the entire Tribal Cultural Landscape.
- Serve as the anchor for the Tesla Historic District along Tesla Road which can share the area’s rich history.
- Support State and Federal policy objectives around 30×30, Biodiversity Protection, Climate Change Resiliency, Landscape Level Conservation Planning, Target Species Protection, and Native American Justice and Equity
Classifying Tesla as a Reserve is a rare opportunity to fully protect a large exceptionally diverse intact ecosystem, and Tribal Cultural Landscape in the Diablo Range. We cannot let this opportunity to fully protect this special land pass by.
Read the Tesla Reserve Concept Plan for a full description of how we can fully and durably protect Tesla forever, and create a “win-win” for all.