SB 1316 falters in Assembly, but fight to Save Tesla Park continues
SB 1316 (Glazer) – Alameda-Tesla Expansion Area passed the Senate and made it through the Assembly to the Appropriations Committee, but was not released from suspense and is, therefore, considered dead for this session. In the final stages California State Parks communicated their opposition to the bill.
Although SB 1316 did not make it through the Legislature this session, we remain committed to permanently protecting Tesla. We will continue to advocate for a change in state policy and work to open new opportunities in the new year. In the meantime, the litigation challenging the OHMVR plan to expand Carnegie SVRA and open Tesla to damaging OHV recreation continues, so we move forward on all fronts.
Thank you for all of your help and support to Save Tesla Park. We knew it would take time – with your help we will press forward and ultimately succeed.